Thursday, March 15, 2007
Kaam hi nahi hai yaar!
If you are sitting in the pantry of an IT Co, this is what you hear most of the times..which might be due to the fact that pantry is flooded mostly with junta who is out of work...In our industry we have lull periods of inactivity where we are simply waiting for clients to freeze and send the requirements or sometimes for new assignments to arrive..this might take a week, a month or month(s) together..So what do most people do during such times?
Such people are frustrated coz they dont have work whereas there are people who are slogging their a**** out and want to be at this side of the story.
PS: Do let me know if you have any more ideas to pass your time at work :)
- Become champions of all the possible games provided by the company. Most popular being TT, chess and pool.
- Read all the newspapers kept in the pantry ranging from Times of India to any magazine which you might have never heard of earlier..and mind it, this is read word by can ask the page nos too :D
- Take a power nap in the afternoon if they stay close by to the office premises..
- Earn lots of money through online trading. This applies to fewer ppl.
- Conduct meeting throughout the day to discuss about work which has no timeline. This is a more official and polished way of doing time pass.
- Play games online. I have seen some real good games in excel sheet for all the poor souls who do no have internet access at work.
- Form a group of idle people and bitch about the company, people and most importantly managers.
- Eat the whole day if your company provides a great cafeteria to reduce attrition to some extent.
- For sincere people, they dont like wasting time. So they go through all the possible training courses online.
- And last but not the least, sit in the pantry and have coffee, lemon tea, ginger tea and all possible beverages which the coffee machine offers .
Such people are frustrated coz they dont have work whereas there are people who are slogging their a**** out and want to be at this side of the story.
PS: Do let me know if you have any more ideas to pass your time at work :)
Why do women think so much?
I have heard from lot of guys that women think unnecessarily on a lot of senseless things.So I thought of discussing this with my other female friends to know their views on this..I realized that I wasnt alone..After much analysis, we found that our species does not have a single track mind like the male species. We like to think of all possibilities rather than assuming that things will go right in the first shot..
Here are some excerpts from googling:
Here are some excerpts from googling:
- "In particular, the connections between the two cerebral hemispheres are relatively more developed in the woman, compared to the man, while in discrete brain centers of the brain region called hypothalamus, the man possesses larger and more numerous neurons." In general terms whats this means is, it is possible to hypothesize that a man's thinking works through logical schemes based on a rational approach, while a woman is more able to use an intuitive approach in her reasoning or, in other words, that brain circuits are more rigid in men and more plastic in women.
- A best-selling author and shrink, Brizendine says, our floor plans are different. She's got the bigger "worrywart centre" (the anterior cingulated cortex), and so stress tends to wig her out, as "conflict registers more deeply in the areas of the female brain".
That riper prefrontal cortex of hers? Makes the ladies more pacifist and patient. Her hippocampus also runs a size larger. Meaning "she never forgets a fight, a romantic encounter or a tender moment - and won't let you forget it, either", says Brizendine, founder of the Women's and Teen Girls' Mood & Hormone Clinic at the University of California, San Francisco. - Some more observations though not proven:
- Men think about sex every 52 seconds, while a woman does so only once a day.
- Women speak faster on average - 250 words per minute vs 125 for a typical male.
- A woman uses 20 000 words per day, while a man uses only 7 000.
- Boys don't listen to mommy (answer: because "he physically cannot hear the same tone of warning").
- And "a woman knows what people are feeling, while a man can't spot an emotion unless somebody cries or threatens bodily harm".
I feel that sometimes our over thinking does help us as we might be able to figure out better solutions to certain problems but at the cost of increased stress for us and all you male species's patience :)
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